DPO contact details and privacy information
Data of the Data Protection Officer:
Dr. DI BARI Valeria
Contact details
Telephone: 0808916362 Mobile: 3489810900
Email: dpo@taralloro.it
- Who is the Data Protection Officer (DPO) and what are his duties?
The person responsible for the protection of personal data (also known by the term in English data protection officer – DPO) is a figure provided for by art. 37 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679. This is a subject designated by the data controller or data processor to perform support and control, consultative, training and information functions relating to the application of the Regulation itself. Cooperates with the Authority (and for this reason, his name must be communicated to the Guarantor; see faq 6) and constitutes the point of contact, also with respect to the interested parties, for issues related to the processing of personal data (articles 38 and 39 of the Regulation).
The Data Protection Officer must, in particular:
a) monitor compliance with the regulation, evaluating the risks of each treatment in light of the nature, scope, context and purpose;
- b) collaborate with the owner / manager, where necessary, in conducting a data protection impact assessment (DPIA);
- c) inform and sensitize the data controller or processor, as well as the employees of the latter, about the obligations deriving from the regulation and other provisions on data protection;
- d) cooperate with the Guarantor and act as a contact point for the Guarantor on any matter related to the processing;
- e) support the owner or manager in any activity related to the processing of personal data, including with regard to keeping a register of processing activities.